Tag: elizabeth moss

  • Mad Men: “Meditations on an Emergency”

    Like a nautilus shell, we’ve spiraled out over 13 episodes, but finally circled back on ourselves, bigger, stronger, and more beautiful than before. No, let’s try this instead. Matthew Weiner is composing and conducting a symphony, each of the players his instruments. As it is a modern symphony, he is unrestrained in choosing his instrumentation.…

  • Mad Men review: “A Night to Remember”

    Well early in the morning, about the break of day, I ask the Lord, “Help me find the way!” Help me find the way to the promised land This lonely body needs a helping hand I ask the Lord to help me please find the way. – “Early in the Morning”

  • Mad Men review: “Maidenform”

    Reflections and appearances. How we see ourselves is rarely how others see us. Sometimes the differences are small but sometimes they are cutting: a despicable woman seeing herself reflected in us; undeserved worship from a child; the judgment-free gaze of a dog. These cut deep, showing us the darkness beneath our public facades.

  • Mad Men review: “The New Girl”

    You’re never going to get that corner office until you start treating Don as an equal. And no one will tell you this, but you can’t be a man. Don’t even try. Be a woman. It’s powerful business when done correctly. – Bobbie Barrett. The boys in the office might think the new piece of…