Oh, those nasty, nasty contractors. Having grown up around the world of contracting, this episode wins on the believable bad guy who deserves whatever Team Leverage can do to him front. Taking advantage of the victims of natural disasters? Run of the mill for a GC.
I do have to admire the simplicity of the scam Retzing & Sons pull, though.
- Swoop in on stunned victims of natural disaster.
- Convince victims to take out an equity loan to cover repair work.
- Dawdle. ((This part comes naturally to most GCs. They must teach it in Contractor 101.))
- Do shoddy work. ((Ibid.))
- Wait for victim to default on loan payments, and since equity has been sucked out of the house thanks to shoddy, delayed word, they have little choice but to default.
- File a contractor’s lien.
- Profit.
See? Better than underwear gnomes. There are more steps, but none are missing.