Charlie Jade recap: “The Enemy of my Enemy”
But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries. – Exodus 23:22 After last week’s S&M lovefest between Charlie and 01, it was time to bring together Charlie and Reena. Here we are in episode…
Mad Men review: “The Gold Violin”
Salvatore and Kitty are the model of a modern couple. Sharing common interests and household chores in their boldly decorated apartment, on the surface they’re everything Pete and Trudy, for example, are not. But we know who Salvatore is, and no matter how hard the mama’s boy from Baltimore tries, his interests lie elsewhere. Seeing…
Charlie Jade recap: “Through a Mirror Darkly”
Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. – 1 Corinthians 13:12 Alright. So last week was a bit of a feint. 01 didn’t give Charlie 12 reasons not…
The Middleman recap: “The Palindrome Reversal Palindrome”
Typical supervillain horsefeathers. Can’t wait to hear this guy’s monologue. ‘I am the palindrome. Feel my power. Power my feel. Palindrome the am I.’ Peter Piping weirdos. – The Middleman
Mad Men review: “Maidenform”
Reflections and appearances. How we see ourselves is rarely how others see us. Sometimes the differences are small but sometimes they are cutting: a despicable woman seeing herself reflected in us; undeserved worship from a child; the judgment-free gaze of a dog. These cut deep, showing us the darkness beneath our public facades.
EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Charlie Jade’s Michael Filipowich
Sometimes cool stuff happens when you’re not even looking for it. Like how Mike and Jason were looking for writers to expand the roster here on Pop Critics just a couple weeks before one of my favorite shows was premiering. And how even though Sci Fi saw fit to bury Charlie Jade after two episodes,…
Charlie Jade recap: “Choosing Sides”
Well I may have killed a few people, I may have even enjoyed it. But you want to walk away from 10 billion people. And they’re all going to die without your help. Which one of us is a psychopath? – 01 Boxer Remember a few weeks ago when Charlie and 01 got a minute…
The Middleman recap: “The Clotharian Contamination Protocol”
I’m so glad I got attacked by that tentacled ass monster back in the lab and that you framed me so that I’d have to be your sidekick. Because I am so proud to be a MM. I’m proud to know you. And I want you to know, that since my dad disappeared, you’re the…
Mad Men review: “The New Girl”
You’re never going to get that corner office until you start treating Don as an equal. And no one will tell you this, but you can’t be a man. Don’t even try. Be a woman. It’s powerful business when done correctly. – Bobbie Barrett. The boys in the office might think the new piece of…
Burn Notice recap: “Rough Seas”
Last time you were in town you nearly got her killed. That’s not going to happen again. – Michael Westen Oh man, oh man. I-I-I don’t think I can do this. Do I have to…what…no. I-I-I really have to go…can I just…why don’t you just…No. No. Okay, okay, okay. It’s okay. Fine. Michael’s going to…