Pushing Daisies: “Bzzzzzzzzz!”

W00t! In six minutes, almost all of season one was recapped in the pithiest bit of exposition I’ve seen in a while. The universe, the characters, and their relationships were laid out with the usual charm and panache (always helped by Jim Dale’s marvelous narration.) Toss in a little foreshadowing about Emerson and his missing daughter and before my favorite coroner can say, “mmhnn,” last year’s quirkiest show is off and running.

Having spent a really long time with these characters this spring and summer while banging out a spec script, I know their voices like my own. There were nights I went to bed and heard them speaking to me – not a bad thing when it’s Chuck or Olive, but a little off-putting when Emerson wanted his say. It’s been a while since I polished off that spec, so the voices had faded a bit. Now, they’re deliciously fresh again.

Look, either you like this show – and if you’re reading to here I must assume you do – or you don’t. It’s pretty polarizing. There are a few people who have a weak reaction to it, but most are either fervent fans or hardened haters. So for the twee-compatible, let’s just discuss our favorite bits, shall we? I’ll start.

  • The hills are alive with the sound of Snook!
  • Emerson’s popup book (so happy they didn’t drop that thread,) “Lil’ Gum Shoe”
  • Hiya Pigby!
  • French Stewart and Missi Pyle. And just like Paul Reubens’ portrayal of Oscar Vibenius, Stewart kept his outsized personality in check and was a the better for it.
  • I’m having awkward silences with God.
  • By cabbage patch I mean lady parts.
  • A world class fromagerie. Mmm. Cheese.
  • Ned, as obvious as it was, getting Chuck’s books, furniture, and special pillow and making home, homey.

What did everyone else think?

R.A. Porter is an aspiring television writer who currently toils away in the software mines. He can be found at his personal blog and stalked on Twitter.